Category: Digital Resources

Ancestry Library Edition Online

The No. 1 source for family history online.  This site contains census records; birth, marriage, & death; military records; biography & history; court, land &...

Annenberg Learner

Annenberg Media provides access to professional development materials for educators. The resources are free, and include video-on-demand, live streaming video events, and other materials available...

Career Center

Learning Express Library helps you prepare for a career exam, explore occupations, and improve your workplace skills here Access the Career Center from the library...

Consumer Health Complete

Consumer Health Complete (CHC) is EBSCO’s interface designed for the everyday consumer of health care information. CHC provides convenient access to easily understandable health and...


Just log in with your library ID!  EBSCOhost is a comprehensive, reference database with over 1,000 business publications, 5,000 company profiles, 1,100 health pamphlets, 225...